Success Story: Frost 3D Universal User’s Experience

Feb 10, 2016

At the end of November 2015 Simmakers Ltd. was approached to provide the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Institute (UkrNGI) with Frost 3D Universal software package and also to conduct further training courses for the team of experts. And as early as December 14 (2015) it was appointed the course of training and guidance at Simmakers Development Center (Minsk, Belarus).

The UkrNGI specialists arrived for training with their technical drawings and projects that have already became a good tradition (it’s already a common thing among our trainees, and we welcome that). As a result the practical class was based mostly on the customer’s real projects.

On the second day of training the specialists of the Institute asked us to help them with some project computations they would have to perform at work.

“It was really hard times,” says Taras Lenyk, lead engineer of Oil & Gas Department. “We saw this program for the first time, and have never performed real projects in it before. Although there was a lot of information during the training course and everything seemed to be clear, but still we all had no experience in software tools. And before the 25th of December we have had to conduct 15 computations, the results of which determine whether the design of the whole oil field will be performed by our team.”

Frost 3D Universal Training Courses The Course of Training and Guidance at Simmakers Development Center

Frankly speaking, as program developers, we took a dim view of idea to perform fifteen computations per one week using only one version of the program. We believed their goal was doomed to failure.

“We have to provide our customer with design solutions for an eight-kilometer section of the pipeline located in the area of island’s permafrost. The project was located on the Yamal Peninsula (Russian Federation) with all these swamps and permafrost. We have defined 15 separate sections with a total length of 50-100 meters, which were to be computed in the Frost 3D Universal software package, and then we had to offer engineering solutions to prevent the degradation of permafrost,” continues Taras. “As the result, the half of our Institute was working up to 2 a.m. during all these 7 days. But on 25th of December we received a notice that all our computations and design solutions have passed state expert examination. And now, thanks to the successfully accomplished work, we have long-term project – Kharampursk oil field.”

Frost 3D Universal Training Courses and Guidance Frost 3D Universal Training Courses and Guidance at Simmakers Development Center

Immediately after the New Year holidays UkrNGI send us a request to purchase another (the fastest) version of the program – GPU (computation on Graphics Processing Units).

“If earlier I used to wait the results of one computation for 4 hours, then now – just 10 minutes,” says Taras. “We have a half of the year to perform more than 600 computations, so the significant time savings is possible only by computation speedup.”

In January 2016 we visited the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Institute and have a look at the everyday routine of engineering department. It should be noted that UkrNGI is a modern R&D Institute with a well-organized activities.

Simmakers Ltd. would like to thank the Ukrainian Oil and Gas Institute for such a high rating of our training courses and Frost 3D Universal functionality.