Simmakers visited Startup Village 2019

Jun 01, 2019

On May 29-30, representatives of Simmakers took part in the seventh annual international startup conference for technological businessmen – Startup Village 2019. For the seventh time the conference became the place of dialogue between investors and startups, accelerators and big investors in the territory of the innovative center «Skolkovo».

Startup Village 2019


Svod 2019 – Simmakers opens the doors of the conference for the 3d time

May 22, 2019

This year Simmakers company became the honourable sponsor of SVOD 2019 conference which took place on May 15-16 in the Museum of computer history located in Mountain View (California). Together with the representatives of the company the conference was attended by more than 2000 people, including more than 600 founders of startups from around the world and more than 300 venture investors.

SVOD 2019


The XIX Scientific Conference «Information Technologies in Engineering»

Apr 26, 2019

the XIX Scientific Conference «Information Technologies in Engineering» in Tyumen

On April 17th, in Tyumen, the XIX Scientific Conference «Information Technologies in Engineering» took place. Giprotyumenneftegaz (Tyumen V.I. Muravlenko Oil & Gas Scientific Research and Engineering Company) was traditionally the organizer of the event. This year the Institute celebrates 55th anniversary.


The International Conference «Cryospheric Rebuses»

Apr 22, 2019

On April 15-18, 2019 the international conference “Cryospheric Rebuses” (Pushchino Permafrost Conference: Solving the puzzles from Cryosphere”) took place. Traditionally the conference was held in Pushchino on the basis of Institute of Physicochemical and Biological Problems in Soil Science of the RAS with assistance of the Earth Cryosphere Institute of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Institute of Permafrostology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS, Okabiolab Ltd and the Permafrost Young Researches Network (PYRN).


Simmakers colleague got President’s grant

Jan 18, 2019

Congratulations to our colleague Gleb Gribovski for getting grant of the President of the Republic of Belarus for his active research work in a postgraduate study of the Belarusian State University.

Gleb is Simmakers mathematician of the R&D department, and in 2017 he was selected as one of the best students of the Belarusian State University and his photo appeared on the wall of honor.

In total grants of the President of Republic of Belarus are appointed to 80 graduate students, 18 of which are students of BSU. The corresponding order was signed by the Head of state Alexander Lukashenko.


Tools for work with pipelines in new release of Frost 3D

Dec 28, 2018

The new version of «Frost 3D» has a set of tools for pipeline creation.
With its help it is possible to draw via a mouse click or to import the line of the pipeline from the file in the Editor 2D, and then to set height (Z-coordinate) for each point of this line. The opportunity to set pipeline radius in the field of properties is given for this line.

Simmakers team retreat– summer trip to the Taurus Mountains

Aug 20, 2018

Summer 2018 was no exception in good traditions of Simmakers company. Simmakers visited the Taurus Mountains of Alanya. Not only wealth of experience and high examination, but also command spirit together with ability to spend free time qualitatively are important components of success in working on scientific software.
Damlatas Caves, the Red tower, the Old Shipyard , 792-year old fortress, sunsets in mountains and warm Mediterranean Sea – all this will warm soul of each of us for a long time.

New article published in the peer-reviewed magazine «IOP Conference Series»

Jul 13, 2018

The peer-reviewed magazine «IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering» (volume 365, 2018) published the article «Comparison of analytical solution of the semi-infinite problem of soil freezing with numerical solutions in various simulation software», which was prepared by the employee of Simmakers company Gleb Gribovski in cooperation with Research Institute of Bases and Underground Structures (№8) NIIOSP named after N. M. Gersevanov.
The published results were presented earlier at the XXI International Scientific conference «Construction is the formation of living environment» within the section «Safety in construction» which was held on April 25-27, 2018, in MSUCE (NRU).