International Conference “Earth Cryology: XXI Century”
Simmakers took part in the International Conference “Earth Cryology: XXI Century”, held on 29.09-03.10.2013 in Pushchino, Russia.
The main issues covered at the conference included processes occurring in permafrost soils; simulation and mapping of permafrost; construction on permafrost; soil hydrology in permafrost areas; permafrost warming and thawing, long-term monitoring of permafrost; subsea permafrost; environmental problems involved in modern cryogenic geosystems, etc.
Representatives from Simmakers made 2 presentations:
1. “Computer Simulation of Artificial Ground Freezing with Frost 3D Universal Software”. The report highlighted the aspects of the Frost 3D Universal software application for the simulation of ground freezing and thawing processes, as well as of thermal stabilization of soils. Forecasting these processes is of particular importance for the formulation of geotechnical justifications regarding the construction of buildings and structures on permafrost.
2. “Computationally Efficient Numerical Method for Heat Transfer Problems in the Engineering of Foundations Construction on Permafrost”. The report covered issues such as heat transfer problems associated with engineering projects on permafrost, numerical methods used in the mathematical algorithms developed for the Frost 3D Universal software, as well as the advantages of the alternating direction method compared to other numerical methods used in popular commercial software for the simulation of thermal processes. The results of computations were demonstrated in several examples.