Frost 3D Universal Updates History for the 2014 4th Quarter
The list of updates, changes and corrections made to Frost 3D Universal versions 3.0.x.x and 4.0.x.x for the period from 1st October to 31st December 2014.
The updates were applied to the following modules:
Date | Version | Module | Description |
12.29.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Created new loaders of imported geometries (such as borehole and thermal insulation created in third-party software packages). If compare to old loaders it allows downloading imported geometry, decorations, construction projects much faster. |
12.26.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Solver | Added entered data validation in the “Mesh Parameter Estimates”. |
12.24.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Postprocessor | Fixed bug of syncing the minimum and maximum scale value in postprocessor. |
12.22.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Solver |
Excluded processing the objects without geometrical information during meshing. Previously, such objects were involved in the mesh generation that could result in bugs when determining objects enclosure. |
12.19.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Solver |
Modified the methods of collection complex 3D objects statistical data. |
12.17.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Application Settings | Mesher log file moved to the project logs directory and is not removed after meshing completion. |
12.17.2014 | 3.0.x.x | GUI | Implemented the capability to cancel all changes you made (3D Editor, mesh, postprocessor settings). |
12.15.2014 | 3.0.x.x | GUI | Adjusted the behavior of application window minimization button. In some window positions, the click on the button did not minimize applications to the taskbar. |
12.15.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Postprocessor | Changed the video settings window. Added flickering notification of being in the video capture area selection mode. |
12.12.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Adjusted mechanism of cleaning the user’s actions list (from the previous project) when creating new project in the 2D Editor (Undo/Redo). |
12.08.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 3D Editor | In 3D Editor, removing all elements also deletes images. |
12.05.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Extended reading the imported geometry in OBJ format: enabled one texture loading. |
12.04.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Accelerated imported geometry loading in OBJ format of background scenes mode. Added extra post-processing of loaded geometry to reduce further normals computations. |
12.01.2014 | 3.0.x.x | GUI | Changed axes labels for calculation of heat transfer parameters. |
11.27.2014 | 3.0.x.x | GUI | Added borehole depth displaying in the tool for setting borehole layer capacity. |
11.24.2014 | 3.0.x.x | GUI |
Added the ability to consider snow cover in boundary condition of Stefan-Boltzmann’s heat transfer. |
11.21.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Filtration Module |
Improved convergence of method for system of linear algebraic equations used to find filtration velocity. This reduces computational error when solving Darcy’s equation that describes filtration of unfrozen groundwater. |
11.17.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Improved cell faces selection in mesh mode. Now there is no faces selection in atmosphere and within material. |
11.07.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Library | Expanded library of materials and objects. Added ability to specify the temperature distribution using temperature-logging borehole. |
11.07.2014 | 4.0.x.x | GUI | Editor GUI optimization. Added sync of selected elements in main editor and in the list of geology editor. |
11.06.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 3D Reconstruction | Added visualization of layer boundaries at sections after geology reconstruction. |
11.05.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Library | Added settlement calculation settings. Extended material parameters. |
10.31.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Editors | Added 3D interpolation of materials temperature based on temperature-logging borehole (when running the solver). |
10.29.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Editors |
Extended the functionality of displaying the calculation results. Added the option to save each iteration into the separate file when recording the video. |
10.29.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Editors | Extended the functionality of displaying the calculation results. Added iteration images auto saving to file. |
10.27.2014 | 3.0.x.x | Solver | Solver speed optimization. Now saving iteration files and computing are separated into multiple threads. |
10.23.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Added 3D visualization of geology reconstruction results based on data in new format. |
10.23.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Implemented new name generation mechanism for new object. |
10.20.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Launched 3D geometry generation based on 2D data of new format. |
10.20.2014 | 4.0.x.x | Library | Added settlement calculation settings. Extended material parameters. |
10.16.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Implemented material adding, borehole creation, layer setting. |
10.16.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Implemented ability to set for each borehole different number of layers and different materials. |
10.14.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Changed 2D Editor elements display. Tree control is now used instead of list. |
10.14.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Added capability to build new 2D geometric shapes (circle, rectangle). |
10.13.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Added capability to set 2D point style (circle, square, etc.). |
10.10.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Optimization of 2D primitive rendering (line, point). |
10.09.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Optimized 2D visual data processing. In particular, started work on new implementation of 2D engine basic functions. |
10.09.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Fixed point snapping highlight in 2D Editor for some unusual cases. |
10.07.2014 | 4.0.x.x | 3D Editor | Increased Frost 3D Universal stability when loading external 3D models due to normals-computation module improvement. |
10.06.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Improved adding a point to polyline in 2D editor. In old version it was not possible to add a point to polyline with large number of points. |
10.03.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Added validation of user input of borehole layer capacity. |
10.01.2014 | 3.0.x.x | 2D Editor | Fixed rotation frame in 2D Editor. |