Simmakers took part in the XIII scientific conference “Information Technologies in Engineering”, which was held on April 2-4, 2013 in Giprotyumenneftegaz institute, Tyumen.
Representatives of 53 companies from 22 Russian cities and CIS countries took part in the conference, including Bentley Systems, Rosneft NTC, TNK-BP Management, Surgutneftegas, Giprovostokneft, Bashnipineft, Tatnipineft, Tomsknipineft, Tyumennipineft, Ufanipineft, Samaranipineft, etc.
Simmakers representatives presented 2 reports “Software Development for Specific Problems in Oil and Gas Industry” and “Specificity of the Numerical Heat Transfer in the Engineering Problems of Foundations Construction in Permafrost”.