Tag Archives: the Numerical Heat Transfer in the Engineering Problems

XIII Scientific Conference “IT in Engineering”

Apr 15, 2013

Simmakers took part in the XIII scientific conference “Information Technologies in Engineering”, which was held on April 2-4, 2013 in Giprotyumenneftegaz institute, Tyumen.

Representatives of 53 companies from 22 Russian cities and CIS countries took part in the conference, including Bentley Systems, Rosneft NTC, TNK-BP Management, Surgutneftegas, Giprovostokneft, Bashnipineft, Tatnipineft, Tomsknipineft, Tyumennipineft, Ufanipineft, Samaranipineft, etc.

Simmakers representatives presented 2 reports “Software Development for Specific Problems in Oil and Gas Industry” and “Specificity of the Numerical Heat Transfer in the Engineering Problems of Foundations Construction in Permafrost”.
