Tag Archives: SPSUACE

Cooperation with the Federal State-owned Budget Higher education institution «Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering»

Mar 20, 2018

Simmakers Ltd concluded the cooperation agreement with the Federal State Budget higher education institution «Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering».

The subject of the agreement is a strategic long-term cooperation between SPSUACE and Simmakers Ltd in the sphere of training for students, master’s degree students, graduate students. The training provides working in engineering software for solving the problem of automation of the science-based forecasting of permafrost thermal regimes in the conditions of thermal impact of foundations, hydrotechnical constructions and other constructions considering ground thermal stabilization. The training will be conducted on the base of «Frost 3D Universal» software package.

Within the agreement the representative of SPSUACE, Sergei Lanko, the associate professor of civil engineering faculty at the department of geotechnics, completed «Frost 3D Universal» training in the Simmakers development center, Minsk.
