Frost 3D Universal Updates History

Date Version Module Description
02.27.2017 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the ability to split one Layer into several logical 3D objects, in those cases when the Layer consists of several geometric parts. Previously, this option was available only for construction projects.
02.15.2017 3.0.x.x Application Settings Plug-in settings.
Added plug-in configurations. Now you can:
1) select Edit Mode, enabled by software loading;
2) disable default faces visibility on computational mesh.
3) select default distribution type (Postprocessor).

All these updates are already available in “General settings” window.

02.06.2017 3.0.x.x Application Settings Enabled authentication in software package if one computer is used by multiple users.
01.27.2017 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Changed displaying of the computation results in the Cross Sections Mode: added the ability to set isoline labels appearance.
12.30.2016 3.0.x.x Postprocessor The graph name now includes the position (coordinates x, y) along the well.
10.20.2016 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the ability to adjust the scale, axes visibility, and the background color (for all windows with 2D scene).
09.17.2016 3.0.x.x Application Settings Improved project files naming algorithm. Added the ability to specify the name of the calculation before running the solver.
08.24.2016 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Updated the Cross Section Editor. Added the list of layer boundaries and points of selected layer boundaries. Added the ability to import backgrounds to facilitate the layer boundaries adjusting.
07.15.2016 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Improved work with images in 2D Editor. The user specifies 3 base points on the image when importing it, and then 3 corresponding points on the workspace.
06.23.2016 3.0.x.x GUI Updated keyboard shortcuts and added new ones. Now there are hot keys signatures in the context menu and in the tooltips.
06.16.2016 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added plugin configurations. Now you can control the Edit Mode and other settings that will be used by default.
06.13.2016 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added user access validation for file writing into folders, to warn in advance that user hasn’t the Admin User Rights to perform some actions.
05.31.2016 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added the ability to control isolines and freezing front visibility in a certain zone of the section (such as mesh objects or rectangular areas on the section).
05.10.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the bergstrichs to freezing front.
05.04.2016 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added the ability to reset cross section settings to their default state. The follow properties are to be reset: the cross section position, the size and position of the cross section window, the isoline list.
04.27.2016 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed “no response” when changing boundary units in the cross section window.
04.26.2016 3.0.x.x General Added an additional processing of clipboard error for those cases, when it is occupied by another application. Added some error code descriptions when creating a 3D model.
04.21.2016 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Changed the current (not fixed) graph behavior, when adding it to the report.
04.18.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added a status bar that displays cursor coordinates and its values (settlement, temperature, etc. depending on the selected mode).
04.13.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the ability to copy graph image together with the table from Graphs Viewer.
04.08.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the ability to copy data from Graphs Viewer to clipboard. Copying is performed after applying the settings that control data and table format, content in the summary table.
04.05.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added new graphs displaying tool that allows you to show the quantity as a function of coordinate. All data can be displayed as a table of values or in the form of graph.
04.04.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the calculation of pile reaction coefficient and bearing capacity, the results of which will be automatically displayed in the program interface.
03.29.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Now graph position can be managed by the user manually.
03.25.2016 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the ability to undo “split geometry”.
03.23.2016 3.0.x.x Cross-Section Editor Disabled default “auto-arrangement” of isolines. If “auto-arrangement” is disabled the central auto-generated isoline is not shown (hidden).
03.18.2016 3.0.x.x GUI To some windows was added button, allowing to manage the “always on top” option.
03.15.2016 3.0.x.x Mesh Added the viewer for mesh statistics including all those mesh changes that were probably done by the user.
03.09.2016 3.0.x.x GUI Added the ability to undo theme changes.
02.26.2016 3.0.x.x Cross-Section Editor Added the Auxiliary Objects Mode to cross-sections viewer. In this mode, there is the list of auxiliary objects (rulers, footnotes).
02.23.2016 3.0.x.x Cross-Section Editor Added the layer labels to cross-sections viewer: information in the status bar, footnote.
02.19.2016 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the ability to save selected 3D faces into the file, in the same way as other objects.
02.12.2016 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the ability to edit the Layer Thickness for several selected wells.
02.09.2016 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the warning message indicating that ‘Material is not assigned to 3D object’. This will help to avoid the situation when user forgets to set the material.
02.05.2016 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added connection between the selected objects in the scene and the objects in the list of priorities that speed up priorities setting and viewing. Changed the sort: high priority objects are on the top, when less priority objects are on the bottom.
02.02.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Priorities Expandable Panel was replaced with dialog box in order to improve navigation through the list of the objects.
01.29.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Fixed solver restart bug in the case of user-defined time points.
01.26.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added boundary visualization of 3D object cross-sections in the Mesh and the Postprocessor.
01.22.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added visualization of 3D object edges in the Mesh and the Postprocessor.
01.19.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added an option to transfer the selected object from 2D into 3D. Newly created 3D object appears in the 3D editor in addition to the existing ones.
01.15.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added ‘save when rebuilding’ checkbox for 3D objects. If this option is enabled, then while rebuilding from 2D to 3D, the corresponding objects will not be deleted.
01.15.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added an option to save data entered in Heat Exchange Calculator and Thermophysical Properties Calculator.
01.12.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the ability to copy properties between different parameters in the Library of Materials, Physical Properties and Boundary Conditions.
01.08.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the ability to view the Materials Library of another project. I.e. being in the current project, it is possible to open the Materials Library of another one.
01.05.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Converted the Library modal window to non-modal that enables scene navigation when the window is open.
01.03.2016 3.0.x.x Settlement Improved tool for custom section control.
12.29.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added the ability to create an Excel Report about materials settings (the Library of Materials, Physical Properties and Boundary Conditions).
12.26.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added parameters saving (the Library of Materials, Physical Properties and Boundary Conditions) for each calculation.
12.21.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added support of graphs selection on 2D scene.
12.18.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added settlement scale to 2D scene. It is supported a variety of settings, as well as optional visibility of several scales on the one tab.
12.15.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Improved Progress Window: added information about the performed work (in percents), iteration number (no.). Added the ability to terminate solver (also in the cases when the main app closed).
12.15.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added a tab for graph visualization. Added graph support in the report (image, table). Added default graphs — the dependence of ground settlement from depth (where the well point is set).
12.10.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added report creation: generation of tables that contain initial parameters for basements, soils, and piles; generation of tables that contain computation results for piles; support of the tool for obtaining images from the screen into the report.
12.07.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added visualization of soil cell parameters (settlement, unfrozen water content, materials) in the case of custom section. Added support of color scale settings (the color distribution) and image quality control.
12.04.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added settlement visualization along custom section.
12.02.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added color scale settings. Added color scale support in 3D scene in the case of object visualization, unfrozen water content, basement settlement.
11.27.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added a tool for settings viewing along a custom section, which is perpendicular to the basement.
11.23.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added image settings (color fill of distribution), units of measurement support, settings saving and object transformation at 3D scene.
11.20.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Implemented the format of project saving. Added support of project saving and loading.
11.17.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added support of toolbar and implemented the basic commands: scene navigation, modes switching.
11.13.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added support of computation results visualization: deformation texture overlapping of 3D basement, visualization of the axes of the piles.
11.13.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added 3D scene, support of basement import and computational mesh visualization.
11.10.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Implemented project data import: computational mesh, the physical parameters of the objects, the unfrozen water content for two considered iterations.
11.06.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added a prototype tool for 2D visualization of results (top view), visualization (color fill) of total soil settlement over all cells of the column and visualization of basement deformation.
11.02.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Added running the solver: enabling input/output data support.
11.02.2015 3.0.x.x Settlement Working on GUI of settlement module. Created the main application framework.
10.30.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added a new tool to optimize the object shift and scaling.
10.26.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Improved performance when drawing and editing cross sections. Fixed bugs that led to incorrect program performance.
10.22.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added the ability to call Heat Exchange Calculator and Thermophysical Properties Calculator in Material library.
10.20.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Extended program help appearance. When calling a Help, the user may choose among several available. The Help, besides the basic information includes also updates history, projects manual, and etc.
10.14.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Tweaked report generation and creation of GIF animation so that they do not take basic process. Added the ability to abort these processes without their completion.
10.09.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed a synchronization failure between the Show Custom Section button and а 3D-Plane of the section visibility in the postprocessor for a number of cases.
10.06.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor The changes of Object Properties windows: external impact properties, wells properties, layer interpolation settings.
10.02.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the ability to clone materials for the selected objects. If one boundary condition is set for several cooling units, then after cloning it each cooling unit will have a different boundary condition, allowing to obtain cold-productivity graph for cooling unit.
09.30.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the editor of points along selected lines in the 2D Editor. This option provides more precise control in cases when several 2D points of object are located one above the other.
09.25.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the ability to set Z-coordinate for the cooling unit geometry. This value will be set for each point of currently edited cooling unit.
09.23.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the ability to create a new object for each new primitive (for constructions and cooling units).
09.21.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added the ability to rename graphs.
09.18.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Improved import of 3D objects: added units of measurement selection, changed dialog box interface and improved its performance.
09.17.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Optimized STL files import. Now faces of objects (obtained from these files) are defined more precisely.
09.14.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added labels of the currently edited layer in the geological cross section editor.
09.11.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added the ability to import markers on a 2D workspace from the Excel table.
09.08.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added the ability to control objects visibility on a color fill in the section viewer of the postprocessor.
09.04.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added a special button to switch the timeline to a minimized state.
08.25.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed displaying the filtration along Y and Z.
08.18.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added the ability to set image as 3D scene background.
08.12.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added maximum time step factor over the space.
08.03.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added object clone tool. Command allows you to create duplicates of existing objects in a rectangular or circular pattern.
07.30.2015 3.0.x.x Mesh Added the ability to visualize sections. This allows you to control transferring geometry to grid faces together with displaying the object boundaries in the isolines viewer.
07.27.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Optimized selecting 3D elements in the editor list, in the case of rotate and scale expandable panel.
07.23.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Changed Plane Section Viewer interface. Brought into compliance with the general concept: scene, quick access toolbar, properties window, and menu.
07.21.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added cropping of objects with workspace for objects under an external impact.
07.17.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Improved cropping of 3D objects with workspace.
07.15.2015 3.0.x.x Filtration Module Fixed displaying the filtration if not used the adaptive scale.
07.10.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added the ability to set arbitrary time intervals for which will be formed the iterative file (including solver restart).
07.07.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added saving of interpolation settings when reconstructing 3D from 2D.
07.02.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added the ability to rename items in the Computation Results list using program interface.
06.29.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added the ability to set the Scene Navigator in the context menu (Front View, Back View, Left Side View, Right Side View, Top View, Bottom View).
06.26.2015 3.0.x.x Mesher Optimized loading of meshing results. Reduced required memory amount.
06.23.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added video frames selection when recording video or GIF animation: not more than one frame from each iteration.
06.18.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Added the ability to add a date of the current iteration on the video and GIF animation.
06.15.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Implemented the ability to create a video not only at the postprocessor but the GIF animation.
06.10.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Prepared the ability to create a video in the form of GIF animation.
06.05.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added the ability to display the object boundaries in the isolines viewer of the postprocessor.
06.01.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Improved shaders performance used to display the distribution.
05.29.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Fixed value labels appearance at axes in the 2D editor, section visualizer, graphs and dependencies.
05.26.2015 3.0.x.x Mesh Improved section visualizer autoscaling with workspace.
05.22.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Prepared the ability to create a video in the form of GIF animation.
05.19.2015 3.0.x.x Solver Improved conversion accuracy of the data from various storage formats of fractional values.
05.12.2015 3.0.x.x Mesh Blocked running the solver without mesh.
05.04.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added ruler in Isolines Viewer (Postprocessor). The new tool allows you to measure the distance between two points on the section.
04.28.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Created a separate utility for the system administrator to adjust internet connection via a proxy.
04.17.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added cropping of 3D objects with workspace, except for objects under an external impact.
04.06.2015 3.0.x.x Mesh Optimized loading of meshing results. Reduced required memory amount.
04.03.2015 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Updated the splash screen and the About dialog box. Fixed their dragging.
03.31.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Updated the splash screen and the About dialog box. Fixed their dragging.
03.23.2015 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Freezing front rendering introduced to the temperature isolines viewer of the postprocessor.
03.16.2015 3.0.x.x Application Settings Preparations made for sending a crash report to the corporate server. A crash report contains debug information about issues and contingencies.
02.17.2015 3.0.x.x Mesh Mesher improved. Meshing quality increased due to a fix in the parsing method used for empty lines in the end of a 3D-object file.
02.03.2015 3.0.x.x Solver Considered certain conflict cases that could occur when creating faces for several technogenic impacts such that the numbers of points at contact surface where not equal.
01.30.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Updated the approach to creating faces of a technogenic impact for the case, when the impact boundary is aligned to a construction boundary.
01.28.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Avoided conflicts that occur when creating faces for several technogenic impacts with boundaries sharing same control points.
01.26.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added a mechanism to resolve conflicts occurring when creating faces for a technogenic impact with a self-intersecting boundary.
01.22.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Fixed bug of converting imported and native geometry to the format supported by new data loaders. Because of old versions support, in rare cases conversion was not performed.
01.19.2015 3.0.x.x Solver Added new geometry loaders to the mesher that speed up meshing procedure.
01.15.2015 3.0.x.x Solver Added input data validation and conversion mechanisms – imported geometry loaders did not support the scientific notation of numbers.
01.12.2015 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added input data verification and conversion mechanisms – imported geometry loaders did not support the scientific notation of numbers.
12.29.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Created new loaders of imported geometries (such as borehole and thermal insulation created in third-party software packages). If compare to old loaders it allows downloading imported geometry, decorations, construction projects much faster.
12.26.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Added entered data validation in the “Mesh Parameter Estimates”.
12.24.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed bug of syncing the minimum and maximum scale value in postprocessor.
12.22.2014 3.0.x.x Solver

Excluded processing the objects without geometrical information during meshing. Previously, such objects were involved in the mesh generation that could result in bugs when determining objects enclosure.

12.19.2014 3.0.x.x Solver

Modified the methods of collection complex 3D objects statistical data.

12.17.2014 3.0.x.x Application Settings Mesher log file moved to the project logs directory and is not removed after meshing completion.
12.17.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Implemented the capability to cancel all changes you made (3D Editor, mesh, postprocessor settings).
12.15.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Adjusted the behavior of application window minimization button. In some window positions, the click on the button did not minimize applications to the taskbar.
12.15.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Changed the video settings window. Added flickering notification of being in the video capture area selection mode. 
12.12.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Adjusted mechanism of cleaning the user’s actions list (from the previous project) when creating new project in the 2D Editor (Undo/Redo).
12.08.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor In 3D Editor, removing all elements also deletes images.
12.05.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Extended reading the imported geometry in OBJ format: enabled one texture loading.
12.04.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Accelerated imported geometry loading in OBJ format of background scenes mode. Added extra post-processing of loaded geometry to reduce further normals computations.
12.01.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Changed axes labels for calculation of heat transfer parameters.
11.27.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Added borehole depth displaying in the tool for setting borehole layer capacity.
11.24.2014 3.0.x.x GUI

Added the ability to consider snow cover in boundary condition of Stefan-Boltzmann’s heat transfer.

11.21.2014 4.0.x.x Filtration Module

Improved convergence of method for system of linear algebraic equations used to find filtration velocity.

This reduces computational error when solving Darcy’s equation that describes filtration of unfrozen groundwater.

11.17.2014 4.0.x.x 3D Editor Improved cell faces selection in mesh mode. Now there is no faces selection in atmosphere and within material.
11.07.2014 4.0.x.x Library Expanded library of materials and objects. Added ability to specify the temperature distribution using temperature-logging borehole.
11.07.2014 4.0.x.x GUI Editor GUI optimization. Added sync of selected elements in main editor and in the list of geology editor.
11.06.2014 4.0.x.x 3D Reconstruction Added visualization of layer boundaries at sections after geology reconstruction.
11.05.2014 4.0.x.x Library Added settlement calculation settings. Extended material parameters.
10.31.2014 4.0.x.x Editors Added 3D interpolation of materials temperature based on temperature-logging borehole (when running the solver).
10.29.2014 4.0.x.x Editors

Extended the functionality of displaying the calculation results. Added the option to save each iteration into the separate file when recording the video.

10.29.2014 4.0.x.x Editors Extended the functionality of displaying the calculation results. Added iteration images auto saving to file.
10.27.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Solver speed optimization. Now saving iteration files and computing are separated into multiple threads.
10.23.2014 4.0.x.x 3D Editor Added 3D visualization of geology reconstruction results based on data in new format.
10.23.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Implemented new name generation mechanism for new object. 
10.20.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Launched 3D geometry generation based on 2D data of new format.
10.20.2014 4.0.x.x Library Added settlement calculation settings. Extended material parameters.
10.16.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Implemented material adding, borehole creation, layer setting.
10.16.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Implemented ability to set for each borehole different number of layers and different materials.
10.14.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Changed 2D Editor elements display. Tree control is now used instead of list.
10.14.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Added capability to build new 2D geometric shapes (circle, rectangle).
10.13.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Added capability to set 2D point style (circle, square, etc.).
10.10.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Optimization of 2D primitive rendering (line, point).
10.09.2014 4.0.x.x 2D Editor Optimized 2D visual data processing. In particular, started work on new implementation of 2D engine basic functions.
10.09.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Fixed point snapping highlight in 2D Editor for some unusual cases.
10.07.2014 4.0.x.x 3D Editor Increased Frost 3D Universal stability when loading external 3D models due to normals-computation module improvement.
10.06.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Improved adding a point to polyline in 2D editor. In old version it was not possible to add a point to polyline with large number of points.
10.03.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Added validation of user input of borehole layer capacity.
10.01.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Fixed rotation frame in 2D Editor.
09.29.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Improved GUI of 2D-to-3D data transfer manager window. Added layer multi-selection for faster parameters editing.
09.26.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Added new parameter to control layer transfer from 2D into 3D. This parameter allows you to get rid of unwanted thin layer segments.
09.25.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Fixed lack of measurement unit labels update at 3D-object-move panel, when changing measurement units.
09.25.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Fixed mechanism of layer moving inside borehole.
09.24.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Fixed axes labels appearance for some application themes.
09.23.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Fixed lack of possibility to enter fractional values into report creation fields.
09.22.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Added processing of thin heat-insulation materials. Extended solver capabilities.
09.21.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Engine Fixed bug occurring when loading project in which boundary condition on mesh were specified by user from scratch.
09.19.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Fixed bug in 3D object scaling, that resulted in impossibility of further transformation of object.
09.18.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added group selection of faces (selection rectangle) to the 3D Editor.
09.15.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Engine Optimization and refactoring of functions. Thus, several rendering methods accelerated and sizes of executable files reduced.
09.13.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Improved GUI of 2D-to-3D data transfer manager window. Added layer multi-selection for faster parameters editing.
09.13.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Added new parameter to control layer transfer from 2D into 3D. This parameter allows you to get rid of unwanted thin layer segments.
09.11.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Fixed lack of measurement unit labels update at 3D-object-move panel, when changing measurement units.
09.08.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Editor Fixed mechanism of layer moving inside borehole.
09.08.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Fixed axes labels appearance for some application themes.
09.07.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Fixed lack of timely response to measurement units’ change in function graph window.
09.06.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Context menu of postprocessor toolbar brought into compliance with the general concept: workspace and element list share same context menu.
09.05.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Improved point duplication of cooling unit geometry.
09.05.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Changed display of some edit fields for properties of material library elements while multi-select, thus it is now allowed to edit only common properties of selected elements.
09.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Changed copy / paste function in the 2D editor. Considered some new cases of boreholes copying / pasting.
09.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Added the capability to delete the cooling unit from 3D editor and mesh editor.
09.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Expanded measurement units library.
09.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Extended capabilities of setting the snow cover thermal conductivity. Added capability to specify one of the parameters (snow cover thickness or density) as constant, while the other as function of time.
09.01.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Temperature range of vented crawl space was added to heat transfer calculation tool.
09.01.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Optimized transferring a large number of technogenic impact.
08.29.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Created and implemented a new mechanism for solver processing. Significant iterations speedup.
08.29.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Added program theme and style, as well as adjusted colors of measurement units. Interface usability improvement.
08.27.2014 3.0.x.x Mesher Added extra error output of the mesh construction. Mesher processing optimization. 
08.25.2014 3.0.x.x Internet Connection Changed the principle of program internet connection to the server. Added new options of internet connection.
08.22.2014 3.0.x.x  GUI Changed the way style colors are applied in the construction of objects and to constructed objects. Interface usability improvement.
08.21.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Updated default color scheme for flags and text. Interface usability improvement.
08.19.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed bug occurring when creating a new project during the custom section construction. Improved algorithms for section construction.
08.18.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Position of secant line for graphs is now kept fixed when iteration changes. Improved algorithms for section construction.
08.15.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor

Changed font color scheme for scale.

Interface usability improvement.

08.13.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Replaced “Iceness” with “Unfrozen water content”. Fixed naming.
08.13.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Fixed postprocessor loading when executing “Save As…” command.
08.11.2014 3.0.x.x Mesher Modified volume calculations. Updated computation algorithms.
08.08.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Added support for auto-switching periodic cooling units to solver data preprocessor.
08.08.2014 3.0.x.x Library Added new tool for drawing cooling-unit polylines in 2D editor. 2D editor optimization. 
08.07.2014 3.0.x.x Library Added new calculation of snow cover. Computation algorithms improvement.
08.06.2014 3.0.x.x Library Added data input from table for cooling unit computation.  Computation algorithms improvement.
08.05.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Engine Added new fonts in 3D Engine. Interface usability improvement.
08.05.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Added the capability to change the font for the entire user interface. Interface usability improvement.
08.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors

Fixed how tree control appears in 3D Editor and in Mesh tabs for newly created project.

Editor usability improvement.

08.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors

Editor usability improvement. Fixed boundaries of 3D window (removed 2 regions, where 3D graphics has not been updated in some modes).

08.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Fixed flags when switching modes in the context menu. Editor usability improvement.
08.04.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Added frame of 3D windows, showing if window is focused, i.e. is in the active / inactive state.
08.01.2014 3.0.x.x 3D Reconstruction Fixed a bug due to the user permissions when running the interpolator in Windows 8.
08.01.2014 3.0.x.x Mesher Fixed a bug due to the user permissions when running the mesher in Windows 8.
07.30.2014 3.0.x.x Filtration computation module Added correct processing of thin waterproofing materials to filtration computation module. Extended capabilities of computational module.
07.28.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Removed informational message that occurs in rare selection scenarios.
07.25.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Changed the current iteration displaying. Fixed bugs in current iteration loading, resulting in the previous iteration displaying.
07.23.2014 3.0.x.x Mesh Added new statistical information about the resulting computational mesh – added values of volumes, occupied by objects.
07.21.2014 3.0.x.x Postprocessor Added sorting capability to the list of available calculations.
07.18.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Added changes to insulation material calculation. Memory optimization. 
07.16.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Added version and download progress to the splash-screen.
07.15.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Fixed bug in the library of measurement units visualization. Fixed blurring when showing units of measurement.
07.14.2014 3.0.x.x Editors Added the capability to copy / paste settings via clipboard between different editors.
07.14.2014 3.0.x.x Library

Introduced a new windows design for dependencies setting and graphs output. Applied a new input and data processing mechanism.

07.11.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Changed the style of some buttons. Interface usability improvement.
07.11.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Changed mechanism of color output/setting in all program components that need color setting. Added hexadecimal input of color parameters and group editing of color parameters.
07.10.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Fixed bug in data preparing during solver restart.
07.08.2014 3.0.x.x Application settings Updated build information.
07.08.2014 3.0.x.x Mesh Fixed bug in adaptive mesh generation. Solver algorithm optimization.
07.04.2014 3.0.x.x Library

Fixed bugs in computing the cooling-unit heat transfer. Specified the calculation of cooling unit area due to geometrical features.

07.04.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Fixed soil layer triangulation bugs. Fixed memory leak when working with a large number of points in the 2D editor.
07.03.2014 3.0.x.x Solver Added new way to consider insulation materials. Enhanced solver capability.
07.03.2014 3.0.x.x 2D Editor Modified versions of 64-bit interpolators. Memory optimization.
07.01.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Changed plug-in interface. Expanded plug-in manager.
07.01.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Added capability to edit project template.
07.01.2014 3.0.x.x GUI Extended theme configurations. Improved configuration usability.