Simmakers Participated in EUCOP 2018

Jul 06, 2018

23th June – 1st July 2018, in Shamonix-Mont-Blanc, France, the 5th European Conference on Permafrost (EUCOP 2018) was held. The International Permafrost Association (IPA) initiated the conference. Simmakers Ltd participated in the conference and also sponsored it.

Within the section “Permafrost Engineering” the specialists of the Simmakers company submitted the following oral reports:

«Comparison of the solutions in simulation software with the analytical solution of the Stefan problem»

Gleb Gribovski

«Comparison of the solutions in simulation software with the analytical solution of the Stefan problem», Gleb Gribovski


SVOD 2018 – Simmakers visited Sunny California

Jul 04, 2018

On May 30-31, 2018 the representatives of Simmakers Ltd visited SVOD 2018 in Mountain View (California, USA). This annual event has once again gathered the huge number of technological companies, IT-startups and investors.

SVOD 2018


Simmakers Ltd. at the XVIII Scientific Conference “Information Technologies in Engineering”

Apr 28, 2018

Effective Use of Geotechnical Investigation Reports in Permafrost Prediction

On April 18th, in Tyumen, the XVIII Scientific Conference “Information Technologies in Engineering” took place. Giprotyumenneftegaz (R&D and engineering company, Tyumen, Russia) was the organizer of the event.

The Managing Director of Simmakers Ltd gave a report «Frost 3D Universal: from development to implementation in R&D institutes and universities».

Thirteen developers and integrators of specialized software products presented modern software solutions and technologies. Among the participants there were world and Russian leading companies in the sphere of IT-solutions in design and engineering.


«Frost 3D Universal» training in Ufa State Petroleum Technological University

Mar 21, 2018

Within the cooperation of Simmakers Ltd and the Federal State Budget higher education institution «Ufa State Petroleum Technological University», the developers of «Frost 3D Universal» software package conducted a five-day training for professors at “Hydro-gas-dynamics of pipeline systems and hydro-machine” and “Oil & Gas well drilling” departments.

Also within the cooperation the training classes of the departments mentioned above are equipped with the modern computers for conducting practical training in «Frost 3D Universal» software package. The training will be provided for the students and persons studying according to programs of training of research and educational personnel in a postgraduate study, work with the engineering software for the solution of problems of automation of scientifically based forecasts of the permafrost thermal regimes in the conditions of thermal impact of the foundations, pipelines, production wells and other objects considering ground thermal stabilization.

Interview with Marianna Loginova, сandidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor at «Oil & Gas well drilling» department.


The First Certified «Frost 3D Universal» Training Center Opens in Russia

Mar 02, 2018

On February 16, 2018 the Certified «Frost 3D Universal» training center opened in Tomsk on the basis of design center «TomskNIPIneft». JSC «TomskNIPIneft» is a corporate center of OJSC «Rosneft» and specializes on design of objects of oil and gas field ground infrastructure in the distribution of permafrost. The Certified «Frost 3D Universal» training center provides training and qualification-upgrading not only for «TomskNIPIneft» employees but also for the employees of other corporate centers of «Rosneft» as well as for external organizations.



Frost 3D Universal Upgrade: New Product Line in 2018

Jan 31, 2018

In 2018 we are launching the new commerce Frost 3D Universal software product line. We took into account the heightened interest of educational institutions, academic communities, R&D centers and small engineering companies, and now Frost 3D Universal will become more affordable for users.

The new product line is also optimized with respect to its functional features considering the software usage statistics during the past 3 years and aimed to satisfy more users with regard to price/functional features ratio. The special bonus is that all the versions will include Filtration plugin.


XI International Symposium on Permafrost Engineering

Sep 08, 2017

On September 5-8, in Magadan, XI International Symposium on Permafrost engineering took place. P.I. Melnikov Yakutsk Permafrost Institute, the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science was the organizer of the event from the Russian party. Among the participants of the symposium, besides the scientists from Russia there were also representatives from China, the USA and Japan –  geocryologists, geophysics, engineers, design engineers.
